Forget to be Angry
Forget to be Angry
First of all, I have one question for all of you, do we get angry or else?
We get angry, comment quickly, after that we will do it
Let us understand with an example, suppose a peon or
some servant spilled tea on you
what would you do if you gave him four
If you will hear things in your mind
You can say whatever comes
that you even abuse him four or five
give and on the other hand if the boss
If tea falls on you then you
You will clean that tea yourself and
Instead of getting angry you would say that
Sir it doesn't matter, it keeps happening
i.e. in the same condition
you got angry on one side and one
you didn't get angry
that anger is in our control because if it is in our control
If not, we would either get angry on both sides or on both sides.
Don't get angry but in the same condition we have on one side
If you got angry and did not get angry on one side, then the simple answer is that you get angry only where you walk.
Or on people younger than you. Sometimes our short time
Anger ruins many of our things for a lifetime
Is. It can be your work and it can also be your relation.
Huh. I will tell you in a story, then you will realize
how bad it can be to harbor anger and in what way
A short time anger can ruin your whole life. So
The story goes that it was night time. All the shops were closed. and then a
Snake enters a shop. As soon as that snake enters, the shop
starts crawling inside and then that snake collides with an ax
and gets a small cut on his body. and seeing this
The snake gets angry. And immediately he was on the ax with his mouth
attacks, he tries to grip the ax with the mouth
but as soon as he clings, his mouth bleeds
Is. He gets a big cut in his mouth, it hurts a lot
But after doing all this, he gets more angry, he
It seems that this ax is her enemy and she is attacking him.
If so, he would have wrapped the mouth of that ax with his whole body.
And in this way that snake dies after being cut there. obviously that
There is no harm on the ax but that snake is there
If he died, did that ax kill that snake? no that snake
He died because of his anger if he was cut for the first time.
Ignored it, his life would have been saved but he got his anger
killed him. In anger, we tend to over react, that damage is the most.
If more happens to someone then it is our own, other's
It doesn't happen, in anger, we don't know how much
It is said that in anger, we do not know how good or bad we are to the person in front.
It is said that I do not know what we do in anger.
Looks like the person in front will get hurt but not
In the end you will be hurt only you will be hurt You felt like this
After getting angry, you got very angry on a person,
hurt him. You spoiled your relation with him for the rest of your life.
And after doing all this, when your anger subsides, then
Do you ever feel that man I did a very good job
did. Has anyone got hurt because of me? I've lived
Did you spoil your relationship with him? Man how well did I do?
Have you ever felt that because you are a good person, at that time
You didn't say what you said, that your anger made you say,
Actually you are a very good person because now you
realizing not that I did too much and as I
Told you in the beginning that you will be angry with those people.
Those who are either younger than you or tolerate your words
If those people do us even a small loss or else our point
If we don't agree, we get angry but if a snake
If you are bitten, what will you be angry about?
Do what you can harm. Are you ever angry with your boss?
You will not do it because in that your loss is of the snake, not of the boss.
So you can't do any harm, so that's why you get angry with the snake.
You will not, but you will be afraid of snakes for the rest of your life, only anger
you will do to that which you are harming or to yourself
on the little people who tolerate your words and in actual fact you
If you harm yourself by doing all this, then what is the solution for us?
what to do the answer is that we have nothing to do
The problem is created only when we do something in such a time.
Do not do anything, after a while automatically your anger calms down.
and you will also realize that it is good
I didn't get angry over there otherwise there are many things
You can think of something else while getting angry and when your
Anger calms down when you think more when you are angry
You always think negative, so at such times something happens.
Don't do it is an example that will help you a lot in the coming time.
Will help a lot, if possible, write it down and keep it again and again
Read this, repeat it again and again inside yourself that in times of anger, a little
Stop and bend a little at the time of mistake, more than half of you
If there is a problem, it will always be solved
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